How To

This is my attemp to get Canon IP1000 working under GNU/Linux. I downloading source RPM for IP1000 at Canon Japan Site, hint from Pal Dorogi (unfortunately, right now that file doesn't exist anymore, just for newer printer) and compile it with RH9 because I want the wider distro compatibility. I get this files below and intalling it with rpm command:

rpm -Uvh bjfilter*

After installing, you must restart cups service to get the driver recognized by cups (thank's Phill Bertolus). Another step is configuring it. Unfortunately, we can't configure it with printing configuration ship with RH9, FC1 or later because that driver not registering himself to foomatic db. We must configure it through cups web base configuration. Open the browser, pointing it at 'localhost:631' and try to configure that printer.

I try that driver with RH9 and FC4 and work fine, so do with Ubuntu 5.04. I think working too with FC1 to FC3, FC5, ubuntu 5.10 or later. For Ubuntu or debian derivative can follow advise from probono at Kanotix forum.

Hope this usefull for user wants their IP1000 work with GNU/Linux :) If you have a question or sugestion please contact me.

Note for FC4 or later user: if your printer is USB base, disabled cups-config-daemon service, if not, the service try to create new printer even we has done that. This happen because that service not recognize printer that we create manually.

Update: I added files for printer PIXMA IP1500, PIXUS IP3100, PIXUS IP4100 and PIXUS IP8600. For install process I think same as with PIXMA IP1000.

Update: Add alternative download place

Update: Remove DivShare, change alt. link to MediaFire because alternate link provided by them, host locally main link, I have no restriction BW ;-)

Last Update: 2009-01-14

The files